When you really need a ride home, Retreev makes it quick and easy to let a friend or parent know where you are!

When you really need a ride home

Tap anyone on the Retreev contact list and their address is displayed on the map, along with your location, address and the approximate distance between you. Try out different contacts to see who is closest. Once you’ve made your choice, tap the Retreev button to create a message that includes a map showing your location and address. Tap Send and you’re done!

Why users love Retreev

  • Simplicity
    Quickly see which of your contacts is closest to your location. Then generate a ride request message with a single tap

  • Easy Setup
    Add existing contacts and Retreev creates custom settings and messages for each of them. For example, a friends’s home address will be used in preference to a work address when showing their location on the map

  • Configurable
    Override default settings to create personalized messages for specific contacts, select which address and phone number to use by default, what information to include in the ride request message, etc.

  • Free!
    Retreev is completely free to download and use 🙂