Privacy Policy of Retreev

Policy summary

This app DOES NOT:

  • Store or transmit any information that uniquely identifies you
  • Access personal information (like your name, contact information, etc.)
  • Store any information that could be used by unauthorized third-parties to track your location, gain access to personal data, or identify you or your phone
  • Collect or store personal data from its users
  • Use analytics tools, advertising networks or other third-party vendor tools or networks of any kind
  • Sell any type of data to third-parties

Location-related information:

  • Retreev only tracks your location while it is running (and it does not run in the background)
  • A snapshot image of your location is created and stored on the device only when you tap the Retreev Me button
  • This image file is re-written for subsequent location snapshots, so only the most recent location is stored on the device
  • The app does not store or share a history of your locations
  • The app does not store a history of your usage or locations
  • The app does not not transmit your usage, location or contact data to third parties
  • You may choose to share your current location with known and trusted contacts (this process must be specifically initiated by the user)
  • The app does not share your location or contact information with any third-parties
  • No identifiable contact information is stored by Retreev
  • Your device’s contacts are not modified in any way

Full policy

  • Data controller and owner: Russell Archer (RArcher Software Ltd (UK))
  • Owner contact email:

Types of Data collected

No user data is collected.

Mode and place of processing the Data

All data is processed and stored on the user’s device.

Retention time

The data described in the section “Types of data collected” is stored for duration of time that the app is installed on the user’s device. When the app is deleted all data is removed at that time.

System logs

No logs are retained by the app.

The Rights of Users

Users have the right, at any time, to know where their data has been stored and can consult the data controller to learn about their contents and origin, to verify their accuracy or to ask for them to be supplemented, cancelled, updated or corrected, or for their transformation into anonymous format or to block any data held in violation of the law, as well as to oppose their treatment for any and all legitimate reasons. Requests should be sent to the data controller (Russell Archer) at the contact information set out above.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

The developer and data controller (Russell Archer) reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by giving notice to users on this page and on the privacy information pages provided on the Ap Store.

Latest update: December 4th, 2020